Mom Photographer Struggles are REAL but blessings. On December 14th, We welcomed out second daughter, Addi Grace Kennedy, into the world! Becoming a mom of two is not as dramatic as the “new mom” experience but not without it’s challenges. As a matter of fact, I am writing this blog post on my phone while holding Addi against my chest! Just like we all had to do in 2020 after Covid, we are adjusting to our “new normal”.
Mom Photographer Struggles are REAL

The first couple weeks are always hard but worth every AWE MOMENT when looking at the blessing we were given. (MEN, stop here because it’s about to be TMI) Those first couple weeks you are dealing with surprises that NO ONE mentions in advance. Since this was not my first rodeo, None of this came as a surprise…This time! To name a few:The Mother’s body is completely different
Increased Hormones
Breastfeeding vs. formula debate (both come with there own set of issues)
Milk supply coming in (If you did not know, THIS HURTS)
If you are breastfeeding, you potentially eliminate foods or drinks based on your babies sensitivities. For example, I can not have coffee. Not even Decaf Coffee!! (Ya, that one hurt! #IFeltThatOne)
Sleepless nights
Night sweats
Juggling both children & the new adjustments
House chores that still needs to be done
Finding a new routine
Finding your own personal time… or maybe just a moment to go to the bathroom in peace
All of this adds up to just plain life!
Mom-hood Blessings

Despite these challenges, Mom-hood comes with rewards! All the crazy moments are outweighed when you realize how blessed you are to have these beautiful children! It is an extraordinary experience to finally meet your baby after 9 months of kicks, acid reflux, & womb hiccups. Beside the obvious gift of a child, you get a chance to count your blessings of support from the community.
Our moms selflessly drove hours to stay with our oldest daughter (who is still only a baby herself btw!) while we were in the hospital & stayed to help us get ready for the Christmas family gathering! The numerous mom-friends who stopped by with yummy goodies to get us through the days of recovery. Not to mention, The countless messages from friends and family sending prayers our way. All this to say, WOW! We never knew how lucky we were to have these amazing people in our lives!
Ignore any errors! I had to give up coffee, remember?!
Are you looking for a Newborn photographer in Kingsland or St Marys, Georgia?
Hi! I’m Calli, a Georgia family photographer specializing in candid and authentic photos that capture the love, fun and true personalities of each person. I am happy to serve families along the coast line of Georgia, from Savannah Georgia to Jacksonville Florida. You ready to have an amazing time together for your family session? Message me today!
[…] or fluffy winter sweater with black leggings to snuggle into like below!! (Yes, some of these are my own that my mom took shhhh […]